I have completed the Wavey Scarf by Fleece Artist. I had a lot of fun knitting it and I love the look of it. It's amazing what some simple yarn overs can do. The wavey pattern they create looks so cool and the cashmere/silk feel is fabulous. Take a look!

And a closer look...

I'm still slogging away at the green socks, which I am regretting not using larger needles for. It's a tempting idea to rip them apart and start again, but I'm too stubborn.
In other news, this week marked the first meeting of the Knitter's Circle at work. About six of us came together for a lunch hour of knitting. Some where experienced knitters and some were beginners. It promises to be a great time! You can find evidence of the event on Michelle's blog. Please, don't ask me about the banana...
Pretty scarf! And a cashmere-silk blend... mmmmm. I'm looking forward to this week's knitting lunch - maybe this time I'll remember I've brought a camera before we've half left.
Hey Kelly, Thanks for the tidbit on turning on my word verification. Hopefully It will stop the generic posts.
As the happy recipient of the wavey scarf I can attest that it is in fact much prettier than the picture which cannot truly do it justice! It is beautiful and very much appreciated by this non-knitter! (Shocking, I know -- that's SHocking NOT STocking all you knitters out there - get your heads out of the wool!) Note: non-knitter not anti-knitter. People who can, do, people who can't, support and gratefully receive!
Thanks Kelly! I love my new scarf. You may get tired of seeing me wear it all the time. It is becoming my Linus-blanket.
Kelly D the lucky recipient
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