Monday, August 21, 2006

The Assignment

I've been contracted to knit this Fleece Artist Garter Stitch Jacket for Mrs.Peeps who has kindly wound the skeins into yarn pucks for me.

Unfortunately, she forgot the fancy swing needles (I'd never seen these) she bought with it, so tonight let us just admire it.

P.S. The seasilk Storm Water Scarf continues to grow in length.


Anonymous said...

Whew! I needed the reminder... and luckily I located the swing needles!

Ah, such pretty yarn. Make such a nice jacket!

(PS yarn PUCKS? you a bit weird...)

Not An Artist said...

Purty ;)

Carol said...

OMG! I GOTTA get me a pair of those Swing Needles!

Yvette said...

Why cannot Mrs. Peeps get off her a## and knit her own darn sweater (Ha ha - unintended pun...knit...darn...get it?)
And never having done a sweater before is no excuse.

kokopuff said...

Mrs. Peeps is of the philosophy that there are people who do these things, and we should support them in their endeavours - especially when they are using lovely Fleece Artist...She's pretty content to receive knitted gifts at the moment whilst she whips up scarves and hats and shawls...

Anonymous said...

I am posting here to formally let Mrs. Firefly Knit know that I have seen her requests for cakes on other blogs. She is a cake harlot. I feel betrayed. Used. Overlooked. I had October 2 marked in my calendar...but now...I think mayhap I should wipe the day off my calendar entirely. Pretend like it doesn't exist. No cake for you!

And Mrs. Peeps says I should defend her sweater honour. I echo Koko Puffs earlier comments.

Kelly said...

1. Firefly! Joss Whedon! Woo!

2. Mrs. Peeps is perfectly capable of knitting her own sweater but I am in it for the brownie points and the free touching of nice yarn.

3. If Ms. Blonde One thinks I can only eat one cake per day, she has greatly underestimated my eating prowess. Ms. BO should also know that my birthday is not just confined to one day but is in fact a month long festival.