Sunday, March 30, 2008

Twisting with the Cable Girl

So yesterday, Kelly and I took a class on cable knitting with Fiona Ellis at the Kniterary here in Whitby.

Turns out, cable knitting is much like learning to knit for the first time. You learn your basic cables (ie. knits and purls) and then depending on the way you manipulate them, or place them, you can come up with a million different patterns.

Down in the bottom left hand corner, you can see where I made my first mistake. I was all gung ho starting out and wasn't paying close enough attention to the pattern, so that cable isn't twisting the way it should at the start. It's good to learn your lessons early on!

I really enjoyed the class and now a whole new genre of knitting is open to me. Fiona's a lovely lady and an excellent instructor so don't let a chance to take a class with her pass you by.

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