You'd have to be living in a hole not to have heard of the Yarn Harlot's Knitting Olympics. If you are living in a hole, get out of it and get on over there now to join the over 1800 knitters that are already signed up.

After purchasing our respective yarns, we headed on to Canoe for our Winterlicious reservation, and Oh. My. God. it was GOOD! I had:
Winter Squash Bisque with Sage Crisps & Spiced Turkey Confit
Roasted Pork Tenderloin with Celeriac Hash & Glazed Creemore Urbock
Ginger Toffee Pudding, Bourbon Brown Butter Sauce & Candied Ginger Ice Cream
Worth every penny.
There's progress on the Florence Scarf, but not enough to warrant another picture at this point. Cheers for now!
Good choice of Olympic projects! Booga bags are cool, and what is not to love about an excuse to work with Noro... mmm, Noro.
Yay! Finally a picture and a new post! I am ecstatic! Mrs. Peep is pretty happy, too! She says to get busy, already.
FYI, Creemore Urbock: a lager with a dark ruby hue colour with fine effervescence and lacey head. Rich, creamy and deeply flavoured. Sweet caramel maltiness with subtle dark roasted flavours and a warming alcohol finish.
Celeriac: a celery (Apium graveolens rapaceum) grown for its knobby edible root -- called also celery root.
Next time we'll take a dictionary with us!
Koko, on behalf of Mrs. Peep
Oh, re: THE BIG SECRET, we didn't want you to know that you had possible converts. Your ego would know no bounds. It could still go either way....
Mrs. Peep, again via Koko
Hey, glad to see someone else doing the Booga! I'm excited about working on it, as I'll be on a car trip through Texas during most of the Olympics. Think that puts me at a sufficient disadvantage?
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